We had a great trip home. We left Kentucky at 7:30 in the morning. Everyone thanks the congregation for their prayers, support and letters. We looked forward to mail call each night.
Last Day Mixed Emotions
With the final day of working through the Henderson Settlement complete, comes mixed emotions.
Part of each of us is relaxing peacefully in the joy of knowing that not only did siding and windows get installed, but hope was built. Not only built in the lives of those we went to serve, but hope was built within our lives as well! We formed deep bonds with Mr. Marshall and Mrs. Teresa, but also deeper bonds with each other and God as well. For those reasons, part of each of us wants to remain on this mountain, just like the disciples when God's glory was revealed through Jesus (Matthew 17:1-13).
Another part of us is looking forward to returning home, to our families, our showers, our beds, our food and our regular routines. Returning to things that are familiar. Returning to some of the comforts for which we are now more grateful for than ever before, because we know they are gifts from God (James 1:17).
However, we don't return as the same people as when we left less than a week ago. We return inspired by the lasting impact God can have when his people work together. We return confident that God can enable us to do far more than we thought we were able to do. We return encouraged by the new skills we've learned and friends we've made. We return with a little bit of a glow, because we have seen, sensed and met with God in a special way.
If you get the opportunity, we'd love for you to ask us how the trip went. It would be an honor, joy and blessing to share. After all, Team Henderson doesn't just mean the 19 that went. Team Henderson also includes those who stayed, who gave, who prayed, who read the blog, who wrote letters. You have a significant part in what God has done. May this only be the beginning of the many more things God will do through us in his name (Hebrews 10:24-25)!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike
Final Touches at Mrs. Teresa's
It was a great feeling to complete our project at Mrs. Teresa's home. 6 windows installed with screens and locks adding beauty, increased warmth and extra security to her home. The extra security really gave her great comfort and peace of mind in her home.
Blessings for Mr. Marshall
All of us wrote a pray or blessing on Mr. Marshall's house before installing the siding. He was so please with this outpouring of love and hope. (Click on image above to read all the blessings.)
Lots of Progress!
Thankfully, today, it only rained during lunch time, so we were able to completely finish Mr. Marshall's home.
He is so happy with the color and all the final result. He was a delight talking with him. Our hard work helped him feel proud of his "new" home. Most importantly, this winter he will be warm.
Thank you, New Life, for making this offering of "Hope" possible.
Today was a day.
Today was a great day.
Today was truly a gift from God.
Today the team had the opportunity to experience a little bit of Kentucky - through a zip line, horseback riding, kayaking and gazing at Cumberland Falls.
It was a day in which God renewed, refreshed and revived us through his creation and his people. It was a day of laughter, song, reflection and fun. Lots of fun!
(click on images above to see larger)
Although tired and weary from the fun team-building activities of the day, we are ready to re-engage with our new friends, Mr. Marshall and Mrs. Teresa. We are re-invigorated to join God in building hope in their lives as He continues to build hope in our lives!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike
Rain, Rain and More Rain
Over at Mr. Marshall's home the rain made for an interesting day, good thing we brought our raincoats!
Even better is the fact that he has front and back porches.
We got a lot done on his home. Mr. Marshall is very excited and please with the progress. He tells us everyday how much he loves the color of the siding. (Click on images to view larger)