2020VISION prayer guide
We are so thankful you decided to join us on this spiritual journey through our 2020 Vision Initiative. You’re encouraged to use this prayer guide as a way to guide your prayers. The ACTS way of praying is one of many models people often use to help guide their communication with God. You can pray exactly what is written in this guide or use the entries as suggestions to guide your prayers.
What do the letters A, C, T, and S stand for?
Each letter represents an aspect of prayer which helps us focus better on who God is and our relationship with him.
A • Adoration
We start with adoration to acknowledge how much greater God is than we could ever imagine! There are so many qualities we can adore about God: strength, wisdom, love, kindness. Beginning our prayer time by adoring God helps us remember that God’s greatness far exceeds anything else that we pray about.
C • Confession
The world we live in is full of sin and we are part of this fallen world; we commit sin and make mistakes. Yet God forgives! But the first step is for us to recognize and admit our sins. Confession may not seem like an enjoyable aspect of prayer, but it is essential to keep an open and honest conversation with God.
T • Thanksgiving
Our gracious Father has given us so much! Thanking God helps us realize how much he really does care and is involved in our daily lives.
S • Supplication
Supplication means that not only are you asking God for something, but you’re doing it humbly. After we have set our hearts by adoring, confessing, and thanking God, we are ready to hear our Father answer our petitions with a yes, no, or wait.
We will be praying for you as you engage in this spiritual journey. May God open your heart and mind to not only God’s vision for New Life, but for your role in helping it
Memory Verse
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” - Ephesians 1:17
Scripture Background
Joshua 1:1-11 • Ephesians 1:15-23
Prayer Focus
God’s Revelation in our lives and the life of our church.
A - God, your power & wisdom are incomparable and far greater than we can imagine.
C - We confess that we don’t always seek your guidance when it’s time to make decisions.
T - Thank you for being patient with us as we turn our faces towards you to find out what you are revealing to us.
S - We ask for you to show us the best direction in which to head.
Memory Verse
“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant norto put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command themto do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” -1 Timothy 6:17-18
Scripture Background
Numbers 13:26-14:4 • 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Prayer Focus
The wisdom to recognize what it means to be rich and how that applies to every aspect of our lives.
A - Gracious Father, we praise You for providing far beyond what we could ask or imagine.
C - Father, forgive us when we arrogantly put our hope in wealth & worldly possessions instead of You.
T - Father, thank you for reminding us what it truly means to be rich in this life.
S - Father, please nudge our hearts to generously share with others as we go about our daily lives.
Memory Verse
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” - Matthew 6:24
Scripture Background
Exodus 32:1-8 • 1 Timothy 6:6-10
Prayer Focus
Our God is the great provider.
A - Precious Savior, you are our Hope. You provide us with all we need.
C - Lord God, forgive us when our appetites for more gets in the way of living the full lives you long to give us.
T - Thank you Father God, for where you have placed us in this world.
S - Jesus, show us our hearts so that we will know how to fully embrace and leverage all you’ve given us and know how to better serve you in the world around us.