
New Life Friends,

Ever since a young age, I have put on other people’s glasses to see what they see when they look through the lenses. Both my parents wear glasses so I had many opportunities. Back then, I could see fine without glasses but looking through their lenses was strange. However, now that I am older and need correction myself, I know just how important it is to have 20/20 vision.

One of the greatest blessings of being a pastor is the opportunity to be able to work together with leaders of the church to collectively see God’s vision for the church. Vision teams were formed and helped plant this church in 1997 and were a regular part of guiding it through the early years. Recently, we’ve had vision teams in 2009, 2012 and 2016.

As we have prayed, dreamed, and imagined together in ministry teams, with The Unstuck Group, and one on one, the vision has become increasingly clear. At certain points in the journey there seems to be a greater sense of urgency to see clearly.

This particular season is mission critical for New Life.

We cannot continue to do what we have been doing and expect different results. We can, however, build upon the strong foundation that has been laid over the almost 20 years New Life has existed and become significantly more effective for God.

As you read this action plan, attend worship and participate in some of our gatherings, I pray you will be as inspired as I have been by God’s 20/20 Vision for New Life which will faithfully carry us to the year 2020.

Imagine everyone standing collectively behind a giant pair of glasses and seeing the same incredible view at the same time. The only way for God’s vision for New Life to become reality is for us all to see it and walk towards it together.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43:19).”

May it spring up in you and me!

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike


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