New Life Kids Sunday Morning Programs
10 a.m. - The New Life Kids Experience
February 2025 Theme Elementary Kids
This month in our elementary room, we will be exploring uniqueness - learning more about ourselves so we can make a difference! Before we can understand who we are and what we were created to do, we need to understand the way God sees us.
We hope your kids will be able to join us as we explore that there is only one you, and how God can use the ways we were created to make a difference.
February 2025 Theme Preschool Kids
Have you ever heard the song “Wheels on the Bus”? There are all sorts of people who are riding the bus, there are grandparents, kids, teenagers and parents. They may not know each other, but do you know what they all have in common? Jesus loves every single one of them. Think of it this way: if Jesus was driving a bus, he would want EVERYONE to get on!
This month our preschoolers will get to learn that not only does Jesus love them, Jesus loves everyone. And Jesus wants everyone to follow him!
The New Life Kids experience is offered to all children every Sunday at 10am, infants through 5th grade. We provide a loving, fun, and safe environment for children to grow in their knowledge, love for Jesus and others.
We use the Orange First Look Curriculum with our Preschoolers. They enjoy age-appropriate stories from the Bible with fun activities and crafts to help them learn about Jesus.
We use the Orange 252 Basics Curriculum with our Elementary Kids. This allows the children to begin in a Large Group where they participate in an interactive experience before separating into age appropriate smaller groups where they dive deeper into scripture and how it relates to them.
Kids will leave knowing how to model themselves like Jesus in Luke 2:52 using three basic truths:
“I need to make the wise choice.”
“I can trust God no matter what.”
“I should treat others the way I want to be treated.”
We invite your child(ren) to join us in New Life Kids every Sunday to experience Bible stories as they come to life.