We at New Life are not willing to sit back and wait for someone else to take care of those in need. As one of our core values is to serve, it is our mission to serve others in our community, our state, our nation and our world. We do this by emphasizing Matthew 25:35-36 in every serve opportunity we offer:
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
So come serve with us at one or more of the following opportunities in 2016. We believe that you will not only impact the lives of others but you will be impacted as well.
2016 Costa Rica Mission Trip
New Life hosts an annual mission trip either in the United States or internationally alternating years. In 2016, the trip is an international mission trip to Costa Rica with the Strong Missions ministry. During the trip, you are invited to follow the blog daily to see how our team is serving. Learn more about the good work of Strong Missions by visiting their site: StrongMissions.com .
Annual Mission Themes
- Wood Ministry
- Clothing Sort
- The BIG Serve
- International Mission Trips
- Stuff the Bus
- KIAROS Prison Ministry
- CCHASM Thanksgiving meals
- Angel Tree Prison Ministry
- Clara Mridula Biswas
- Visiting those Imprisoned (2014)
- Hospitality toward the stranger (2013)
- Clean Water Mission (2012)
- Food to the hungry and Clothing for the impoverished (2011)