New Life's Marketing Team is ready to help you answer these questions and to provide graphics design support for your upcoming program or project. Click the button to get things started!
Who pays for graphics? The marketing team will pay for graphics, but the requesting team is responsible for all other expenses (printed materials, signage, give-ways, etc).
Did you get my request? You should have received a copy of your submission a few moments after you submitted your request. Check your inbox and spam folder. Still didn't get it? Reach out to marketing at newlifeumc dot org to inquire.
What are my deadlines? Deadlines vary depending on the need. Our process on the backend is extensive, so allow at least four to six weeks prior to the RSVP date or time of your event as most requests are customized and then need to time to get the word out to the audience.
Our Process & Mission
The Marketing Team has developed a Process Guide to outline the pathway for all Ministry/Mission Teams to request advice and assistance with promotional and marketing projects. This document can be found by Clicking Here.