
What kind of story grabs your attention? Romance? Comedy? Action? Biography? Each of us has a story to tell. Each of us has highs and lows, significant characters, rising action, conflict and hopefully resolution, redemption or healing. We have a lot to learn from the stories of characters in the Bible, but also from the stories of those we work with, play with and worship with. God is writing a story through your life that others can be encouraged and inspired by as well. Want to discover your story and how it fits into God’s story?

Why do this study?

Explore the following and uncover why you should do this study. And what’s cool, is that it may change and evolve as you go through it.

• To discover and be aware that God is working in your life.
• To explore and understand how God is working in your life.
• To realize that you want more.
• To, with full intention, invite God into your life.
• To seek that He be a prominent part of your life.
• To know what He wants for your life because you know He wants good things for you.
• To trust God more and more.
• To obey God.
• To steadily grow and journey through life with God at your side, as He becomes more and more The Lord of your life, and less of a casual consultant or sidekick.
• To come to know God more and more, for the mere beauty of knowing Him.

We are in a relationship with God, whether we truly appreciate it or not. It’s just like any other relationship. It may be a casual one, close, intimate, or even an almost nonexistent one due to neglect or lack of spending time together. This study will help you explore your relationship with God.

How should you approach this study?

We are going to explore certain questions each week. We’ll do so by answering the main question of the Sermon Series from the viewpoint of a particular person of The Bible (or if time permits persons of The Bible), and for ourselves. We’ll also consider and answer other questions. Some may feel comfortable sharing with others, some will not. One is not better than the other, and there is no wrong answer. The only right answer is to explore and give it a go!

As a group, read the questions, and then take a few minutes for each person to consider them privately in their own mind. Then dig in! Be curious, explore, and let’s see where God leads us!!

How should you prepare for this study?

It helps to say a prayer to put yourself in the right frame of mind to consider the questions and explore how God is working in your life. Below is a prayer that can help you.

Lord Jesus, we pray that You lead us through this study. We pray that You open our hearts and our minds and give us the courage to be vulnerable. We pray that you instill in us a curiosity to explore these questions and consider them in the context of what is going on in our lives. You already know (even before we do) what we are thinking! God, You see us perfectly and righteously because of Jesus. You have forgiven us for our sins, and You meet us exactly where we are. We have nothing to prove. You value us just as we are. You love us.

So, we have nothing to fear, nothing to lose. Let us go through the questions today and the entire study with confidence. Help us God to be brave, honest, and curious. Please Lord, help us consider and respond to these questions, reveal to us what we should be thinking about, what You want us to hear and see. Thank You Lord for the opportunity to consider Your hand in our lives and Your unconditional love. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray. Amen.

Week 1

How has God worked in your life?

Week 2

What do you think of God?

Week 3

What do you want God to do in your life?

Week 4

What do you think God wants for you?

Week 5

What does God want you to do?

Where does Jesus fit into all of this?

Week 6

Week 7


How cool it’s been to intentionally consider and meditate on how God is working in your life. He cares about every aspect of you and your life! So, now what? Well, keep it up! Ask God to keep your eyes open to see His hand in your life. Ask Him to keep your eyes open and listening to hear Him, and your heart soft and eager to experience Him. We may not think about it, but just as with a friend, God wants to be invited into our lives. Think about how friends may be hesitant to stop over if not formally invited.

How do we do this—how do we invite God into our lives and our hearts? Well, it’s easy and very effective, pray it—ask God—“God I invite you into my life. I’m not sure what that looks like, but I think I’m ready to see Your hand and hear Your voice more (or more clearly). Help me figure out how to do that.” And don’t pray it once, pray it repeatedly. He loves to hear your voice!! You may be encouraged or feel a “tug” to pray more, read your Bible more (or begin to read it), listen to Christian music, read a daily devotional, or read a book that talks about Jesus. He may bring someone into your life. He may nudge you to do something. The potential responses you get from Him are endless. Just look for them, be expectant; believe and know He will respond.

He is preparing you to deepen the relationship you already have with Him. And He wants you to share what you’ve learned with others—to pass it along. Sharing God’s work brings Him praise and glory. It encourages others in their own walks with God. It’s a form of worship. And it deepens our inclusion and reliance on God. So go for it!

It’s an exciting time! He is preparing us to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Let us soak in all that He has shown us and realize the tremendous miracle Jesus’ birth is to each of us and to humanity.