Mission Day 1

Mission Day 1

It was a great first day of mission here in McDowell County! Our 18 member team was spread across three projects in three different locations so we have many stories to share! Some of us worked at a local church and cleaned a baptismal, washed classroom walls, stained a ramp, developed an electrical plan and ran conduit. Another group worked at Mr. Cecil's house to scrape the outside of the house in preparation for painting tomorrow and removed five layers of flooring in the kitchen.

Another group led local children in crafts, games and Bible stories. Needless to say we all limped back into camp tired yet extremely fulfilled for the new friends we are meeting and serving alongside. This evening we had worship outside with the brook babbling in the background together with all the other groups serving here this week.

Although it was perhaps a restless night of sleep for many last night, most everyone should sleep well tonight!

Thank you all for your prayers that sustain us in the draining sun of an unfamiliar location as we continue to move beyond our comfort zones all in the name of Jesus!

God is doing significant work here through Experience Mission and we are blessed to be part of it!