10/11/24 Prayer

Beautiful God, it’s so good to call you Immanuel, God with us! Jesus spoke of His yoke and that it was easy. Oh, how life here on earth doesn’t feel easy! 

You are gentle and humble in heart and want us to live with You, the way You intended, giving You our burdens and allowing You to lighten our loads. We praise You for that and pray that You teach us how, how to take on Your yoke. 

Jesus, You never hurried while You walked the earth, though You had so much to do. It’s hard to slow down with so many demands being made of us and our time. Help us identify what is truly necessary and what is not. Give us discerning eyes and hearts. 

Help us let go of our ego and the need to do it all and to be content with less—less activity, less needing to accomplish, less desire to get more stuff, and probably most importantly, less of a need to control it all. You’ve got it! You know what’s going to happen before it does and You are FOR us! Let us truly believe that and let it sink into our hearts, souls and beings. Let us be fully saturated in that truth! Then we can slow down. And with that slowing down, let our hearts, minds and souls turn to You, to praise You and spend time with You. 

You are a Beautiful and Good God, we pray to see who You are—Your character—more and more.

With love for and in Jesus Name we pray.
