10/28/24 Prayer

Heavenly Father, You are always with us. We are never alone. May we crave that time of being alone with You, fully known and yet completely accepted.

Thank You that You are working in us (if we allow it). You are transforming us into the children of God that You made us to be when You wove us together in our mothers’ wombs. Many of us are striving for that, working hard at it. Others not so much.

Search our hearts, Lord. Make them known to us. Prompt us to sit with You and just be—to listen to what You are trying to say to us. Please quiet our minds, perk our ears and teach us how to rest in Your Presence. This does not come natural to us. We feel the need to fill the silence, we fidget, we feel uncomfortable just sitting doing nothing. “Be still” You tell us.

Please tell us about our efforts, Lord. Are we striving too hard such that we are creating an idol? Are we listening to The Holy Spirit and seeking to obey? Are we simply not engaged? You know us better than we know ourselves. There is such peace in that! Help us guard our hearts for You.

In the Knowing Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Quiet Suggestion: Read Psalm 139