3/3/24 Prayer

Glorious Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth, we praise your Holy Name. All the days of my life, I praise you and give you honor and glory. Lord Jesus, You are the Light spilling out in dark places. In the midst of pain and hurt, disappointment, stress and anxiety, You are present. We thank you, God, that darkness does not overcome the light. 

Lord, when my heart is troubled and my head is full of anxious thoughts, help me to remember to be strong and courageous, because You chose me by name, and You are with me wherever I go. I am yours. Steer me away from self-reliance and into your Word. May hymns of praise and scripture bring peace and joy to my heart and strengthen my relationship with you so I may be a witness to others in my words and actions. Help me to trust in You and be held.

I love you, God, and I thank you for providing me with loving church friends who guide me closer to you. Be with my friends and family this week. Hold them in your care and help them to feel your love. Thank you. 


Mallory Smith