3/18/24 Prayer

Heavenly Father, Abba, thank You that You made us to be in relationship with You.  That we are never alone.  That You want to be a part of our lives; that’s why You made us.  And, even when we turned away from You, You sent Jesus, Your Son, to get us back in right relationship with You.  You clearly love us more than we can understand or deserve.

We need You, even when we don’t think we do—both when things are going well and when they’re not.  Sadly, when things are going well, we’re content with it and may not think to thank You and praise You.  Forgive us for that.  

And sometimes when we’re overwhelmed with life or a particular situation, we’re running ourselves into the ground trying to control it or fix it.  Forgive us for that too.  

In all these situations, You know the beginning, the middle and the end.  You know how it will play out at this particular time and season, and more importantly over the course of our entire lives.  

Trust, that is what we must do, trust You.  It’s so hard, because we want to control and know the outcome.  We want it to go the way we think is best.  But, really, what do we know as compared to You?  You created the world, all that fills it, our solar system, all galaxies, everything that exists, and us.  

Hmmm, do we really need to control things all by ourselves, or just relax a bit and rely on You to lead us through?

Please help us do this, to see Your Presence in our daily lives.  Please help us seek You!

Holy Spirit, open our ears and eyes to be attentive to hear You speak softly in our minds and hearts, and even through other people; to see You open doors, bring us opportunities, place people in our lives. 

Let us actually look for You and Your work and give You the credit and the glory! 

Thank You for being so patient with, and faithful to, us.  You love us more than we understand, and though meager in comparison, we love You.  And that delights You!

In the Precious Name of Jesus we pray.

Patty Covington