4/29/24 Prayer

There is so much hope for those of us who believe. You are our God, the only One True God. And You are for us! How awesome is that!

The Creator of everything that exists cares for each one of us, so much so, You know how many hairs we have on our head.

It still blows my mind that in carrying out Your will, You do it in a way that is also for our good. We should be constantly praising and worshipping You because You created us. And yet we don’t. Thank You for caring for us so much!

A person can love someone but not extend care for him or her. Love and caring are two very different things. You tell us in Your Word to cast all our anxiety on You because You care for us. (1 Peter 5:7). Thank you for telling us this.

In caring, You are constantly interested in us and in being in relationship with us. If we only understood how much so!

This world and our sin distorts our view of Your goodness and the good things You give. Our viewpoint is self-directed, self-centered, revolving around what we think, feel or want. You have the bigger picture in mind—our entire lives as well as those around us, as coalesced with Your Glory and Your Good Plan.

If we think about it, how small minded are we to just think of ourselves.

But we do—at least I do. But You get it. You understand and forgive us. Thank You Jesus!! You came to this earth to walk as a mere man, to experience what we experience. Not only do You know as God, the Omnipotent, but as a man who experienced.

You also tell us that Your Power is best expressed in our weakness. We don’t like having weaknesses or vulnerabilities. We like to be in control. That coupled with our self-centeredness is a recipe for not wanting to be in need, not wanting to make room for You to do Your work.

We need You whether we realize it or not. We’re blind to see that or even to want it. But there is so much beauty and richness in experiencing Your Presence and provision.

I live that way now. I need and my life has been so enriched. I’ve experienced tremendous overwhelming beauty in it. You’ve brought so many people into my life, from my church family, to co-workers, to close as well as long lost friends, to HVAC workers, to call center representatives, to random people I’ve talked with on the phone to take care of bills, to medical professionals—the list goes on and on.

We’ve talked about You, we’ve lifted up Your name up, prayed for each other, shared life experiences, helped and encouraged each other. Beautiful. Your power is truly best expressed in our weakness.

And in these experiences, You’ve provided all that I need. I no longer fear needing because in that weakness, You will show Your strength and provide.

So, let us all say “help me, Lord.” Let us not want to be self-centered or self-dependent. Let us delight in seeing You show up. Let us share these experiences with others to encourage and spur each other along. This journey on earth is hard. But, You are there and provide if only we ask.

Let us praise You. Let us delight in You. You are always good. Let us invite You into our lives more and more.

In our Precious Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

Patty Covington