5/13/24 Prayer

Heavenly Father, You are majestic, all-powerful, yet gentle and humble. How beautiful that You can hold all good together. You don’t lord Your power over us, in fact, You give us free will. And when we come to You, Your arms are wide open, ready to receive us just as we are.

We pray that You draw us to You, that You lead us into a closer more intimate relationship with You. Please help us Holy Spirit invite You into our daily lives, thinking of You more frequently—giving You thanks, asking for help in even the most small and menial tasks, and seeking Your counsel and direction in decision making. There is nothing too small or big for You; there is nothing outside of Your purview. And why wouldn’t we, You care so much about us.


Sometimes we are scared. We may not like what You want or where You are leading us. We may want to be the “bosses” of our own lives. We may fear losing our own identities.

Yet, you are gentle and humble. You are for us. You want good for us. You hold all good together. You can be the boss of our life and do so in a way that is good for us and glorifying to You. And we are fearfully and wonderfully made, each of us unique. You don’t want to change the essence of what You made. And since You made us and the world around us, You would know how best it works together. Help us trust that and You.

We pray this in Your Holy and Gentle Name, Jesus Christ.

Patty Covington