8/5/24 Prayer

Thank You God for this new day. Praise God that Your mercies are new every day! I need this!!

You are so good, even when my circumstances are not. I have so much to be grateful for. Sometimes I just need to stop, take a moment and think about them. When I do that, I recognize how blessed I am. The fact that I am Your beloved child is, in and of itself, an incredible blessing! The Creator of all that exists, knows me—little ole me—and tells me that I’m beloved and that He delights in me! Really…wow, cool.

Please remind me to walk into tomorrow with expectations of You showing up in my life. Help me Holy Spirit to think of You first thing when I wake up. That’ll start my day with hope!!

You’re always with me, but dagonne it, I don’t always feel like it. Maybe it’s because I’m not looking for You. I remember reading in your Word that You want us to seek You. I pray to do that!!

Thank You that You’re with me no matter what. Your love is unconditional!! Praise God! I need that…something I don’t work for or earn. Hmmm…another blessing to add to my list.

Praise You God, You’re awesome. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen