9/16/24 Prayer

Heavenly Father, Protector and Provider, thank You for caring for Your creation. You tell us that You are our refuge and shield. You tell us to cast all our anxieties on You. You don’t promise a problem free experience, but You do tell us that You’ll walk with us through it, that You go before us and that You will not forsake us.

We are so grateful that in Your Word there are so many promises and encouragements of Your faithfulness. You desire us to live in communion with You, leaning on You and trusting that You’ll provide.

You tell us “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” Help us remember this promise and truly believe it. Your awesome Word even helps us in our doubt. You tell us that we can say to You “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

We pray that we go to Your Word for strength and encouragement, not to muscle our way through a problem or life. We weren’t made to go it alone; we were made to go through life walking with You and with our community. Help us share with someone in our community our struggles so that we can experience the fullness of the body of Christ that You intended us to live in.

You are FOR us. You are “broadening the path for our feet, so that our ankles do not give way.” You tell us that in the Psalms. So, even while we are stepping into difficulties, You make them more bearable and take away other difficulties that would make our experience even harder and possibly crush us. Thank You!

May we be encouraged by Your continual Presence with us through The Holy Spirit. May we trust You and go to You first when a challenge arises. And may we give You all the glory as we look back and see how You worked in our situation and how You redeemed our pain for good.

You are faithful always!

In the Beautiful Protecting and Providing Name of Jesus we pray.