9/3/24 Prayer

Your Peace, Lord, surrounds us, yet we don’t always see or experience it. Open our eyes to Your Peace, Gracious Spirit.

It’s in the beauty of the natural world that surrounds us, should we stop to look and take it in. It’s in the smile or simple gesture of a stranger opening a door when our arms are filled to capacity. It’s in the moment of sharing something we have with another, and our hearts well up with simple joy.

You tell us “Peace I leave with you; My peace give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Maybe we need to look for peace, and be at peace differently than we do now? Maybe we need to seek it in You and in Your ways? Maybe that disagreement with a family member or friend is really unimportant in the grand scheme of life? Maybe in the chaos of our busy lives, we can set 5 minutes aside to spend in solitude with You, just being and not doing? Maybe we can think about what we have instead of what we don’t?

Lord, you want us to live into the full measure of what You have for us. May we remember that You gave the Ultimate Sacrifice for us to be free of sin and to live in peace. You did it out of love for us and not to get anything in return. Not even for us to live in peace as obligatory. It’s our choice.

Please open our eyes, ears and heart to the peace You have for us each day, living one day at a time. May we live into the full measure of peace and life you lovingly want for us.

In the Peace Giving Name of Jesus we pray. Amen