Words of appreciation is my love language (For a video explanation and to discover yours go here). So, as you can imagine, this past Sunday when you showered Maria and I with two bags full of cards and treats and prayed for us, we were not only absolutely surprised, we were also overwhelmed by love! Timing in season of life couldn’t have been more perfect either!
It’s good to be loved.
It’s the most important thing God wants us to know and to share. So...
Thank you for taking the time to write notes of appreciation.
Thank you for sharing love with me and my family.
Thank you for not stopping there.
Thank you for serving each other.
Thank you for reaching beyond the church.
Thank you for allowing God’s love to flow through you.
You are so beautiful.
And so deeply and dearly loved.
Have an amazing week being loved and sharing it with others!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike