That’s what they say, but I've seen the beauty in the details this week!
This week I’ve seen:
- over a hundred little bags tied with s’mores supplies inside!
- people returning couches and chairs to where they normally live without even being asked!
- a meal brought in for someone who is ill!
- a computer set up for someone in need!
- cans of food stacking up to be distributed in our zip code!
- Dolls, toy cars, stuffed animals and other supplies coming in for children who would otherwise go without this Christmas!
The beauty is in the details, because these details demonstrate a heart of serving.
Not only are we interested in serving each other, we are interested in serving others.
We are getting ready to do something BIG. If you haven’t yet signed up to serve in one of our many opportunities on Nov 4-6, you can do so here.
We aren’t the church that just talks about making a difference, we are the church that wants to do something. It will add to what we do all year long, but this highly concentrated bump will certainly be felt. It will be noticed, not only on the outside to those we are serving, but on the inside of our own hearts.
You are beautiful when you serve. You are beautiful, because in serving you are putting other people and their needs ahead of your own. You are beautiful, because in serving you are displaying sacrificial love in action. You are beautiful, because in serving you are bringing a little heaven on earth. You are beautiful, because in serving you are glorifying God.
Your time for someone else’s benefit. Your talent for someone else’s opportunity. Your resources for someone else’s blessing.
The beauty is in the details.
Here’s to making our world a better place and Jesus making you look beautiful while you do it!
Amazed by God’s beauty through you,
Pastor Mike