Keeping it fresh...

Recently I was trying to figure out with some friends how many times we'd each heard the Christmas story. Personally, I landed somewhere between 200 and 300 times!

But how do you keep from taking the story for granted or tuning out when it's read and thinking "I've heard this before!" 

Each year, one of the practices I've tried to instill is to buy a book (yes, still paper) or a CD (yes, they still make those) so that I can read the story from a new angle or hear the story with a different rhythm or melody.

Don't get me wrong. I still love to read the story straight from the Bible or sing the "oldies but goodies." However, I also love the new perspective that creative artists can bring. It reminds me that the depths and treasures of this marvelous story are endless and we will forever keep trying to find different ways to express the majesty of it all!

This year I bought the book Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado and some Life Groups who just don't want to give up meeting together have decided to utilize it over these weeks in December. I'm not trying to sell the book, nor do I get kickbacks from the publisher for promoting it. I simply pass it along as a resource that is well worth your time if you are looking to keep the familiar story fresh.

Whatever you choose to do to help make the greatest story ever told come alive for you this year, I pray that it brings greater depth and devotion to God who gave us Jesus, Savior of the world! We don't want to be so busy about so many things this season that we miss it or take it for granted. It's worth the effort to keep it fresh!

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike