I’ve had many of them over the years...
- invitations to come over for dinner
- invitations to grab a cup of coffee
- invitations to check out the new decor
- invitations to a round of golf
- invitations to ride to the event together
- invitations to game night
- invitations to see the new apartment
- invitations to just hang out
Each one offered a different opportunity to grow in a relationship. Each opportunity a precious chance to share a piece of life. Each piece of life came with an emotion such as the joy of laughter, or tears of concern. Each emotion a deeper connection with the person with whom I shared it.
And it all began with a simple invitation.
I pray you are making simple invitations this summer - to your home, to your backyard, to your life. It may just be what someone else needs. It may just be what you need.
As you prayerfully prepare for worship this weekend, read 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 and consider who you want to share a piece of life with or who you think may need to share a piece of life with you. Then invite them to your backyard for conversation or to church where they can experience the comfort, love and peace of God’s presence.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike