I’ve gotten that question/response a lot over the past 27 years that I’ve been meeting in small groups and invited people to join me.
I guess it’s because when you try to get a bunch of busy people together, it often has to be an “off" time or “low demand” time. So, in high school when I was introduced to the concept of getting together with a few guys and talking about faith and life, it was on Friday afternoons. There was also the group I met with before school began. In college, my group met late at night. Over the past 7 years I’ve met with a group mid-week at 6:30am and wrapped up by 8:00am so people could get to work.
You might say I don’t know how to do the Christian life without these guys God has placed in my life. I’m certainly a better man of God, husband, father, worker because of their influence. It amazes me each week, because I know that I’m not just getting up (when my body says “no”) for them, but they are getting up for me. That’s both humbling and inspiring!
At New Life, we call these small groups LifeGroups because we are doing life together. They meet all days of the week at different times of the day, whenever people are willing to get together, because life is just better together. It’s worth the sacrifices to make it happen.
When I think of the what I get out of meeting with people to talk jabout the Bible, who God is and what he desires for our lives, I realize it isn’t really isn’t a sacrifice at all. Regularly I find friendship, laughter, people asking the same questions of God and the Bible as I am, coffee, bacon, people caring for me, people I didn’t realize I would like hanging around so much, food, more coffee, people I can be honest with, people looking for insight that sometimes my experiences can speak to and the presence of God.
However the Life I’ve been a part of over the years form - around gender, mixed, couples, stage of life, topic, etc. - they have always been the place where I have grown the most in my journey with God. I’m convinced that getting together with others has helped me become a man than I could have ever become on my own.
I sincerely hope and pray that over the next couple weeks as you hear more about LifeGroups, that you will make it a priority to get connected to one. Of all the things that are calling for your attention this fall, this commitment could make the most significant and lasting difference in your life.
As you prayerfully prepare for worship this weekend, read Colossians 3:12-17 & 23 and consider what it is that you do on a regular basis, whether paid or unpaid. I look forward to worship together!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike