I hope you are having one of the best weeks of your life! I know I am!
It began with knowing Our Worship Leader Victor Neal was sharing his story as the message on Sunday. As he shared it with me prior to me leaving for Costa Rica, I knew I couldn't wait for our church family to hear it! If you didn't hear it, you will definitely want to catch up to it here!
The week has continued with our team in mission in Costa Rica. We are growing deeper in love with God, each other and the people of Costa Rica! Thank you for your prayers! We can certainly feel and see the effects of lifting us in prayer before our awesome God! If you want to follow more of what is going on, check this out!
Who knows what the rest of the week holds in store, but as we seek to faithfully rest and live in the strength of his hand, not only is there no better place to be, but it just might be the best week ever!
I look forward to being with you in worship this week! As you prayerfully prepare, read Luke 10 and consider how God may be calling you to follow him this week!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike