I wish I could say it wasn’t all about the candy, the lights, the creativity, the energy and the people...

Dear New Life Friends,

I wish I could say it wasn’t all about the candy, the lights, the creativity, the energy and the people...but that’s what the Glow Party & Trunk or Treat is all about!

I’ll never forget a few years ago when I experienced our first Glow Party. It was amazing! Imagine a packed house, energetic music pumping in the background with little ones exploring and marveling at everything glowing all around them! Oh the wonder, the excitement and the joy!

Then to top it off, we went outside to wander down the line of creatively decorated cars and smiling personal dispensers of all things good and sugary!

As an adult I tried to act like it wasn’t about the candy, saying things like “Oh make sure the kids get enough before I get a piece” and “I don’t have a bag. I’m not really collecting” and other mature, responsible, Christ-centered responses. But truth be told, I was truly on the hunt for the Twix, Milk Duds and any possibility treats with toffee or nougat.

Yet, even better than the candy in my belly was the joy that spread across my heart as I saw so many people laughing and smiling and having a good time.

Many of you know I absolutely love the highly recognized national pastime of "people watching," but the only thing better than watching people have fun is helping people have fun! It's just fun!

Helping people recognize the church as a place where that kind of fun happens - I can’t think of a better way to spend time, effort and money. Creating opportunities where people begin to associate the church and God’s people with things that are creative and exciting - now that’s ministry I’m certain God gets excited about!

So, I don’t know what you are doing on Sunday, October 29 from 3 - 5pm but let me encourage you to come by the church and get some candy and watch people have fun. Better yet, invite a friend and help other people have fun!

Let the glowing begin!
Pastor Mike