Dear New Life Friends,
Can you imagine…
Can you imagine what it would be like to have all your belongings in one extra large suitcase? Then travel week to week with this extra large suitcase to a new location to sleep, shower, and eat? Having to learn where everything is and who everyone is?
Can you imagine sleeping in a room with 10-25 other people?
Can you imagine sharing 2 showers with 35 others?
Can you imagine getting up every morning at 6am and never getting to sleep in, even on weekends?
Those that enter the CARITAS shelter, although grateful, endure this week after week as they try to piece their lives back together.
In Matthew 25, the disciples ask Jesus “When did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?” to which Jesus replies, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
The CARITAS mission has always been to help the most vulnerable neighbors break the cycles of homelessness and addiction to reclaim their dignity. They do this by providing effective, permanent solutions to individuals and families dealing with the crisis of homelessness and/or addiction in the Metro Richmond area.
We believe this organization is living out the scripture of Matthew 25 and is why we have partnered with them for so many years by providing shelter, food, showers, and laundry as we host those in need for one week every year. We have also built beds and tables to donate to those getting permanent housing, and hosted furniture drives to help the CARITAS furniture bank.
With 30 years experience, CARITAS has really been able to figure out what works and what doesn't work. They have 4 programs to help those in crisis: CARITAS Shelter, CARITAS Works (job training and assistance but right now only for men), The Healing Place (a residential recovery facility but right now, only for men) and the Furniture Bank.
These programs are currently in 3 different locations, but in 2018 CARITAS is breaking ground on a new 150,000 Square Foot building that will house all 4 programs under one roof and will allow CARITAS to expand their programs to women as well as offer new programs!
This year, we are excited to offer 100% of our Christmas offering to the new CARITAS Center. We believe strongly that investing in CARITAS is investing in the future health of our community. CARITAS has proven itself to be a well run non-profit entrepreneurial business that transforms lives and transforming lives is what New Life is all about!
Beginning to imagine,
Pastor Mike