Dear New Life Friends,
Life is messy...
...yet there is a purpose.
God’s plan for us may not always be clear and direct at first glance. It’s a process that slowly gets revealed.
Sometimes it involves pain and may not look like what we think it ought to look like. Other times life feels free and flows smoothly. All the while God is revealing his heart and shaping our heart at the same time.
Everything about the birth and life of Jesus culminates in his death and resurrection. It is through the death and resurrection of Jesus that we most clearly see God’s extravagant love for us. It is by the way we live our lives that we most clearly display our extravagant love for God.
During the weeks of March and April leading up to Easter (April 16), our worship and LifeGroup discussions will be centered around Extravagant Love. Do we really know the lengths to which Jesus went to show us the depth of God’s love for us?
It’s a love that is generously poured over us and we hope that love will gently sink in.
The implications of the death and resurrection of Jesus are so significant, we don’t want to rush right up to Easter without taking several weeks to examine it from different angles.
If we’ll take the time to reflect, Easter will be so much more meaningful.
And perhaps we’ll be able to more regularly see purpose beyond the mess.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike