Wow! and... Thank you!  and… Keep up the good work!

Dear New Life Friends,


and... Thank you! 

and… Keep up the good work!


I got to share some great news this past Sunday and it was awesome to hear the explosion of applause when I shared it verbally in worship…


We have received over $100,000 toward our 2020 Vision goal of $500,000! 


I continue to thank God daily for my New Life friends. Truly. You all are an amazing blessing!


You committed to a vision. You are responding to your commitment. And lives are being transformed!


As funds come in, we are able to put the 2020 Vision Initiative plans to work. We would be stalled if what we committed wasn’t coming it, but that is certainly not the case by the evidence of the great things that are happening!


Keep up the good work! Your sacrifice of going above and beyond your regular giving to reach beyond yourselves to connect people to Christ and his Church is having an impact! You are partnering with God to “bring a little up there down here,” so the will of God that is being done in heaven will be done on earth.


If you feel a swell of enthusiasm, excitement and momentum - that’s the Holy Spirit working through his people! 


So, here’s to trying to keep up with the movement of the Holy Spirit!


In a state of wow,

Pastor Mike