Died while serving… Now that’s something to say about someone’s life.

Dear New Life Friends,

Died while serving…

Now that’s something to say about someone’s life.

Died while serving. 

That’s the reason for Memorial Day. 

More than burgers. More than just a day off from work. More than a trip to the beach, opening a pool or trying out the latest yard game. Memorial Day is about honoring those who gave their lives serving our country by taking pause in our lives to remember.

Deep gratitude rises up for those who made the ultimate sacrifice of the one life they had to live. They lived not for themselves, but for others. As songwriter Twila Paris records they "died for freedom… died for love… and all the things we do to pay him back could never be enough."

Died while serving… May that be said of the follower of Jesus, consistently putting others before ourselves. After all, becoming a Christian gives people a purpose, to live beyond ourselves.

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God and the way to do that is by loving others (Matthew 22:38)."

Jesus also said, "Greater love has no one than this to lay down life for friends (John 15:13)."

Jesus did this for us.

On Memorial Day we see that same example in those who have died for our freedom by serving this country.

May we not take it for granted - it came at a price. May we honor it - it is truly a gift. 

So, enjoy the day off, the burgers and the yard game, but also take a moment to thank God for those who gave their lives for you.

Then, may we be inspired by the sacrifice of Jesus and others and live our lives in the same way of offering our lives for the sake of others.

May we live in such a way to be blessed enough to have it said of us - Died while serving.


Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Mike