Dear New Life Friends,
It’s a good number if you are talking about golf, the number of bites you need to take before you can have dessert or the number of days of school you have left before summer break!
It’s also good when you are talking about vision, purpose and goals.
We have a vision of what it will be like to have one worship service this summer.
Some things will change… the time you arrive, when you let out and who you sit next to.
Some things won’t change… genuine hospitality, enthusiastic volunteers and engaging worship.
We envision people who worship regularly at separate services finally meeting each other and perhaps making a friend for life. It’s not their service or my service, it’s our service. It’s not their time or my time, it’s our time.
We envision people gathering in one place, at one time, for one purpose literally fulfilling Jesus’ prayer that his followers become one (John 17:21 and Ephesians 4:4-6).
It’s a good name for a Broadway musical number, an international campaign against poverty and the first positive number in the set of natural numbers.
It’s also good in phrases like... We don’t want to overlook anyone. We can worship together as one for an audience of One. I wouldn’t want to miss one.
I hope you will join us and bring a friend to our one worship service this summer at 10am starting June 18.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike