Dear New Life Friends,
Is it really worth my time?
That is truly the question to be asking these days. Especially now that Fall is upon us and there are more opportunities at our fingertips than we know what to do with!
Really, that’s a question we should always be asking. Some have said that time is the most precious resource, even more important than money!
24 hours a day.
Try as we might, we can’t buy any more hours in a day and we can only burn the candle at both ends but for so long.
We live in a day and age of opportunity management. We have more opportunities than we have time to follow through on. There is no way around it. We have to prioritize.
So, it’s fair to ask, “Is it really worth my time.”
There are many times I have said, "Now that’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back!”
I’ve said it after I traded the precious opportunity of sleep for a dumb movie.
I’ve said it after listening to a sales pitch that started off right and ended up exactly where I thought it would.
I’ve said it after looking at the clock surprised by the amount of time I spent scrolling through social media.
But I’ve never said it after meeting with a Life Group. (And I’ve been meeting with small groups of people study the Bible and discuss matters of faith and life almost every week for over 27 years!)
There are many times when I didn’t want to go. There are many times when I was tired and could think of several other ways I would rather spend my time. There are many times when I've asked the question “Is it really worth my time?”
Yet, every time I decided to do the right thing and go to the group regardless of how I felt, I ended up looking back afterwards and being so thankful I went.
Each time I meet with a group something happens I didn’t expect: I learn something new, gain a fresh perspective to my struggle, recognize a way I might be a blessing to someone else, laugh from deep within, have my mind challenged and my heart grow more compassionate, become more clear about what God wants for my life and I could go on and on and on...
We each get to choose how we will spend the time God has given us. I happen to be completely convinced that LifeGroups are definitely worth our time!
Of all the things calling for your attention in life right now, LifeGroup can be one of your most important investments. I pray you find a group at a day/time New Life offers or create one of your own in your own neighborhood or workplace. (You can view some of the options here )
I guess another way to ask it would be “Is it really worth my time to be blessed or to be a blessing?”
To which I hope you say "YES!” and watch what God will do!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike