What’s this church all about?

Dear New Life Friends,

What’s this church all about?

I’m glad that New Life can answer that important question. 

I know it’s a question I have of other churches I drive by on a regular basis or explore on the internet. I know it’s a question I would have if I were in search of a permanent church home. I’m convinced it’s a strategic question if you are thinking about what might be spiritually best for you, your children and your family. 

That’s where New Life 101 comes in. 

New Life 101 is our invitation to anyone who wants to learn more about New Life - how did the church come to be, why does the church do the things it does in the way it does, what do we know about the people who are leading this organization, what do they do with all the money that comes in, are there other people like me involved in this church, is there a place for me to learn and grow spiritually? And so many other questions!

If exploring the answers to some of these questions is of interest to you or someone you know, let me personally invite you to our next New Life 101 following worship on Sunday, February 18th.

We’ll provide lunch, child care, an overview of the church and an opportunity to meet others who are new to New Life if you will just bring your appetite for good food and conversation and about an hour and a half of your time.

If you are going to intentionally invest your time, effort and money in an organization, you certainly want to know what it’s all about. So, come and check it out!

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Mike