Dear New Life Friends,
An Easter invitation never tasted so good!
I loved the “Easter Buddies” that were handed out in worship for people to use to invite people to worship on Easter, April 1. They were chocolate and hollow, much like the bunny on our signs in front of the church and up and down the road.
That bunny will preach in so many ways!
First, what a sweet treat to pass along to others! Most people like chocolate and so by eating the invitation, people will “taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8).
Second, if someone takes you up on the offer to come to worship for our Easter celebration, they will get a taste of not only what New Life is all about, but what God is all about!
Third, as I mentioned before, Ash Wednesday, the day that starts the season of Lent, was on Valentine's Day and Easter is on April Fool's Day. As we have been working towards Easter, we have been considering the deep love of God as displayed on the cross. On Easter, God played the biggest trick (resurrection) on the biggest fool (the devil).
Easter is one of those times when people are looking for a place to worship and celebrate the holy day. Thank you in advance for all you are doing to connect your family, friends and co-workers to God and your church.
I look forward to celebrating with you one of the greatest days of the year that changed our lives forever!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike