Almighty and gracious God, you are the Good Shepherd, Righteous Judge, Loving Father, Creator and Sustainer. You are our Personal Savior and Mighty Deliverer. Thank you for leading us through this journey of conversations with you over the past month!
Forgive us for the times when we got caught up in the things calling for our attention and didn't pursue focused time with you. We confess that at times we thought there would be more time in the day, so we put you off in order to get a few things done first. We admit that we thought accomplishing those things was more important than talking with you. Please forgive us and fill our hearts with a deep longing to connect with you.
We have learned so much about prayer and about you. However, the best part has been actually meeting with you and talking with you. Thank you for moving from a concept in our minds to the reality we know in our heart and soul. Because of these regular encounters, we have grown and matured. Your Holy Spirit has awakened us to be more aware of you, those around us and what you are doing in us. Continue that work, so we might be all you intended us to be as individuals and as a church.
Stir in us a dissatisfaction with convenient, comfortable or status quo Christianity. Cause our hearts to burn for you and awaken a fresh love for those around us. Thank you for all you have given us and all you are helping us become. Help us to have the courage to leverage everything you have entrusted to our care on behalf of others for the sake of your kingdom. Don't let us settle for anything less than all you have for us.
We long to represent you in this broken world. Refresh, revive and renew us so that we might be overflowing with your grace, love, kindness, mercy and forgiveness. We are humbled by the way you live in us and delight in us. Use us all for your glory and honor.
We pray all this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Mike