Lord God, Creator of all things, may we allow You to be the Lord of our lives. May we trust in Your unfailing love, Your continuous forgiveness of our sins, and the life that You want for us.
As we look with anticipation to the new year ahead, may we be hopeful because our hope is in You, not in this world and the things it seems to offer. That’s a hard thing to do. This world seems to offer so much. May we see that it’s fleeting, that it’s not completely satisfying, and that it’s not what it is promised to be.
May we remember that when we get what this world offers, the shine and happiness—it fades. True joy and contentment can only be found in You and in Your promises.
As we think about our new year’s resolutions, may we first spend time with You. May we sit still to listen for Your voice, Your prompting, Your leading. May we ask You what they should be. Please God Almighty, speak into us, lead us, be clear with Your desires, Your will.
We want to grow in our faith. We want to have our hearts set on heavenly things. We want to do Your will. But we can’t do it on our own. This world is too distracting. Help us, Holy Spirit, move us—please—to put our trust in You when things go awry, to thank and praise You when things go well, to sit and be with You in spite of feeling time constrained.
Our hope is in You. You are our God and we are Your people. Thank You that that’ll never change. That You’ve got us. Now let us believe that with all our hearts!
In the Almighty Name of Jesus Christ we pray.