9/23/24 Prayer

Our Beautiful God, the Creator of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. We praise You! You are a good God, You are a mighty God, You are the only true God. We praise You!

You knit us together in our mother’s womb. You made us in the secret place. You wrote us in Your book—all our days—even before we were conceived. You know us inside and out—loving and meeting us just where we are. 

May we walk and live confidently with You, trusting as You transform us more and more into the children of God You made us to be. It’s a journey; not an instant process, and it’s painful at times. Yet the reward and freedom it produces is more than worth it.

Help us surrender to You and live out that surrender in our found freedom. Give us the courage to live as Your children in this fallen world. It’s difficult because this world is constantly enticing us to be “of this world” and to be like others. But You’ve set us apart to be a light, a light that shines brightly Your love, Your truth, Your grace and Your mercy. May others see us as we truly are, Your children. And may they marvel in Your mighty work in our lives.

In the Precious Name of Jesus we pray.
