4/1/24 Prayer

Dear amazing, almighty and marvelous Lord!

Thank you for the ways you continue to delight, dazzle and inspire us! We join our voices to that of all creation that sings your praise! You are so worthy and full of glory!

What a blessing to be in relationship with the God who raises the dead! We don't fear sin and death any longer! We rest in the work you did on the cross and how you have left the grave empty! Your resurrection changes everything!

We acknowledge that in many ways, the struggles, challenges, frustrations, disappointments and discouragements remain real and all around us. However, because of you we have hope! Because of you we have salvation! Because of you we have freedom! 

In these days following Easter, we know they are the days of Peter's reinstatement (John 21:15-19), the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), the Ascension (Luke 24:50-51), Pentecost and the birth of your Church (Acts 2:1-13). We marvel at how you continued to meet and encourage people and it reminds us of how you continue to do so today!

Thank you for your presence, power and promises. As we cling to you, help us to know how to faith-fully represent you in all we think, say and do. In all our encounters, guide us in demonstrating your love, grace, mercy and compassion. Help us to share your strength, peace and hope. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and lead us into the beautiful unknown of the days ahead. We are committed to follow you!

We pray all this In the name of the risen Christ!


- Pastor Mike