4/8/24 Prayer

Dear Lord, it’s been a hard week. There have been lots of ups and downs, joys and disappointments, strong moments of faith and weak moments of worry. But nonetheless, it’s been good. Not because of me, but because of You. You have walked with me through each day and each moment. You’ve held me and You’ve led me. You’ve brought me peace in the midst of challenges, and times of joy where You’re light and love have shone through.

This is not just my story, it’s that of every one of Your believers—those who follow You.

We must cling to You. We must rest assured that You will carry us through. We must count on You showing up. It won’t be easy. We’ll have times of worry and doubt—however, we are never alone. Thankfully, You’ve shown us this in Your Word. There are so many life stories in The Bible of people who struggle like us. We just need to read and remember.

You instruct us to read and know Your Word. You’re not a teacher giving us homework or being a demanding God who wants us to prove that we obey You. No, it’s so that we learn and know that You are there with us, that we can lean on You and count on You for coming through for us.

You tell us in The Bible—You are “for us”! We cling to that! You tell us that You’ll work everything together for our good according to Your purpose. We’re counting on it!

Help us remember and believe these promises. And help us be okay with Your plan, however it works out.

Our hope is in You. You are our true source of strength and joy.

In the Precious Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Patty Covington