Dear New Life Friends,
A man of one book…O give me that book!
For those of you who know me or who have seen the double stacked bookshelves in my office (and home - sorry Maria), you know this would be a tall order for me.
I love to read. I don’t make enough time to do it, but I love to read. Ideas and stories and principles - oh my!
I’m good with paper, electronic and now audible “reading”. Fiction, business or Christian related - it’s all good.
So, last week when I was reminded of this phrase by John Wesley, the founder of Methodism in the 1700s, I was convicted and convinced once more. As I mentioned in the sermon this past week - - the Bible is unlike any other book. It’s the holy, living, authoritative Word of God! Within it is truth, wisdom, direction and the very presence of God! Why would I not want to spend more time reading that book?! If I had to choose one book to read for the rest of my life it would be that book!
That’s the kind of passion I sense John Wesley sharing with all of his pastors in the preface to his book of Standard Sermons, which were sermons based on the Bible to guide all of their preaching.
"I want to know one thing,—the way to heaven; how to land safe on that happy shore. God himself has condescended to teach me the way. For this very end He came from heaven. He hath written it down in a book. O give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be homo unius libri (a man of one book).”
If you are looking for a place to start, begin with me 2/3 the way through the Bible in the book of John.
May you be blessed by the adventure of seeking treasure in God’s Word!
Give me that book!
Pastor Mike