Dear New Life Friends,
Proper nutrition…
That’s what it takes to make it through a race. That’s what it takes to make it through life.
Talk with those who are training for a race and they will tell you that proper nutrition is as important as the physical training. What goes in the body fuels the body. What happens when we make demands on our body, but haven’t properly fueled the body? Well, most of us have experienced that… lack of energy, lack of clarity, lack of drive.
Proper nutrition is not convenient, but worth the effort.
Eating right is not cheap, but worth the price.
Choosing what we need rather than what we want is not always fun, but rewarding.
The same is true about life. Life makes demands on us - every day!
We are challenged physically, mentally, emotionally AND spiritually. If we don’t fuel ourselves adequately we won’t be able to perform adequately under the demands and find ourselves lacking energy, clarity and drive.
If you are finding yourself in this situation, let me encourage you to try something new in your spiritual walk with God. Change up a pattern that you regularly do to keep things fresh. Read the Bible from a different translation. Pray while sitting in a different chair. Listen to a different preacher.
Really… I do.
Weekly I listen to podcasts of different preachers for my own spiritual growth and edification. I try to keep several different preachers in my cue so that I hear God’s word from different personalities and perspectives.
Lately I heard a sermon that I shared not only with the staff and church leadership team, but encouraged them to share with every participant on every ministry team. I think it was so good, I’m now sharing it with anyone who will listen.
So, if you are interested to gain a picture of who God is and how deeply he loves you, consider listening to this for some spiritual fuel - - the story of the Loving Father/Prodigal son may be familiar to you, but I hope you enjoy this fresh perspective.
In fact, I’m still energized by the spiritual fuel from when I listened to it on January 3.
Life takes proper nutrition and so does the spiritual life.
What are you feeding it?
Happy feasting!
Pastor Mike