Dear New Life Friends,
Don’t worry… Jesus is still on the throne!
Ok, so those weren't the exact words, but that was the reassurance I took away from the staff devotion time on Monday.
Each of us has “stuff” going on in our own individual worlds that only seems to compound some of the unsettling things happening in the world. Especially as I write this, regardless of what side of the political rope you fall, American life feels unsettled.
So what do we do with what is happening in the world? What do we do with what is happening in our country? What do we do with all the stuff we encounter each day, each week, each month, year after year? Do we delve deeper into it or do we ignore it? Do we become overwhelmed by it or dismissive about it?
The responses to those questions are as varied as there are people in the world. We may discern we need to speak out more or less. We may feel called to action or to step back. There may be many faithful responses.
However, for the Christian, there is a foundational response which proclaims that regardless of what is going on in the world and in my life, Jesus is still on the throne!
This is not dismissive, it’s a declaration.
It’s a declaration of who is in control when the world seems out of control. It’s a declaration of who will bring order out of chaos. It’s a declaration of who can bring good out of bad situations. It’s a declaration of who knows and sees all. It’s a declaration of who is present everywhere in heaven and on earth at the same time.
This is not dismissive, it’s a reminder.
It’s a reminder to the follower of Jesus that we are citizens of heaven first before citizens of a country. It’s a reminder to the follower of Jesus that our hope and confidence is not in humanity or what government can do for us. It’s a reminder to the follower of Jesus that there is nothing this world can do to separate us from God who loves us. It’s a reminder to the follower of Jesus that there is nothing we can do on earth that will ultimately overturn or make invalid the eternity God is preparing for us.
"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart for I have overcome the world.” - Jesus in John 16:33
If you’d like to read the article the devotions were based on, go here -
It brought me a great deal of comfort, reassurance and renewed confidence and I hope it will do the same for you.
So, here’s to Jesus who is still on the throne! Victory is yours Jesus… and ours!
Pastor Mike