Dear New Life Friends,
It just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without…
That’s one of the questions we tossed around while driving back from our Big Serve experience this past Saturday.
As you can imagine, some of the responses were things like:
- family
- turkey & stuffing
- sweet potato casserole
- green been casserole
- singing the blessing
I’m sure you have your own list of things you would add.
One of the things that has recently brought deeper meaning to the holiday for me is our Community Thanksgiving Service.
This year it will be on Tuesday, November 21 at 7pm and we will get to host Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, Bethel Baptist Church and Good Shepherd Lutheran. We’ll get to hear music from a combined group this year, great preaching from Bethel Baptist and eat treats brought by all who attend! Yum!
But one of the best parts is in the middle of the service when the floor is opened up for people to share about what they are thankful. In the past we’ve heard things like:
- my family and church family
- being healed from cancer
- freedom to worship God
- being restored from a broken relationship
- ability to love and be loved
You might add to that list as well.
Each year, that sharing gives me perspective as I consider counting my own blessings. I certainly have so much more than I need or deserve and since God “inhabits the praises of his people” I certainly want to share them!
So why not join me for our Community Thanksgiving Service - next Tuesday, November 21 at 7pm - for a time of worship, thanksgiving and fellowship!
It’s a great time to celebrate all God has done for, in and through you! Who knows, perhaps afterward you might begin to think more about how you would respond to the statement, “It just wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without…"
So bring a treat, bring a friend and bring an idea of what you are thankful! I look forward to being blessed together!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike