Dear New Life Friends,
How have you been blessed by New Life?
What does New Life mean to you?
What do you love about New Life?
How have you been impacted by the ministry of New Life?
These are just a few questions to prime your pump so that when you hear them asked on Sunday morning during our worship celebration at 10am, you’ll be ready to respond!
There are so many ways God has blessed us through New Life! I can’t wait to hear people’s responses! There are probably at least as many different responses as there are people willing to respond.
Being willing to share really is a gift. It’s a gift to the person sharing because they are mindful of what God has done in their life. It’s a gift to the people who hear of the blessing. It’s a gift to God because he delights in and is honored by the praises of his people.
So, what if we were to bring two gifts this Sunday for the celebration of our 20th birthday. The first gift is to share how you have been blessed by God through New Life. The second is to bring the box filled with items specifically designed to be given to men and women in McDowell County.
I’m excited for how people are choosing to give of their time to serve God this Saturday through the Big Serve. I’m looking forward to celebrating on Sunday at 10am what God has done through New Life over the past 20 years.
I can’t wait to see you for this weekend of serving and celebrating!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Mike