Dear New Life Friends,
Two things are on my brain as we look back and look ahead…
First, as we look back and look ahead…
WOW! What a demonstration of extravagant love!
To date, you have given $4,428.54 towards our goal of $4,000 to help support sign language ministry for this first year at New Life! This is a wonderful beginning to a new ministry! If you were unable to participate in this special offering over and above regular giving, you can still contribute by marking it “Sign Language Offering”. We are thankful for what God has already done and look forward to all God is going to do through this ministry!
Second as we look back and look ahead… Easter is just the beginning!
Easter was just the beginning of many “God sightings”. From the day of resurrection to the time he ascended into heaven, Jesus appeared many times to his followers. And it didn’t stop there! The book of Acts is filled of the powerful movement of God through his people. And it didn’t stop there! It continues today!
That’s the theme of our next series in worship and Life Groups - GALLERY.
The number of ways God works in people’s lives is as numerous as there have been people walking this planet! The variety of expressions is as beautiful as walking through a modern art gallery exhibit. Some people’s portraits are dramatic. Others are a picture of God’s steady faithfulness. Some express God’s rescue and redemption. Others depict God’s comfort and companionship. Each work of art is unique and inspiring in its own way.
Join us each week as we hear real life stories from real people about God’s real resurrection power at work! But don’t let it stop there! Consider how your story would be captured. What is your phrase? What is your one word of what God has done for you?
As we look back and look ahead, this is just the beginning of the demonstrations of God’s extravagant love!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mike