Dear New Life Friends,
Oh the satisfaction that comes from cleaning out…
Recently I’ve tackled two closets, a few bookshelves, a filing drawer and part of the garage. Although there is still much work to be done, it feels so good to simplify and get rid of the things that aren’t being used and taking up space. There is something about cleaning out!
The same is true of our spiritual lives as well. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).” Too many times we hold on to things that aren’t doing us or anyone around us any good. Our poor attitudes, unhelpful choice of words and hurtful actions clutter our lives and take up space like trash bags of stinky garbage.
The same is true of things others have said to us and their hurtful actions towards us. When we choose not to forgive, it isn’t so much the other person who suffers because we are carrying around the load. There comes a time when we just need to off load the hurt for our own sake so we can make room.
When we make room, grace floods in.
When we make room, love has a chance to take up residence.
When we make room, peace has a place to stay.
When we make room, joy begins to flicker.
So, as you move through some of your spring cleaning at the house or at work, keep two things in mind:
- What is it that God wants to clear out of your life to make room for his goodness?
- What is it that you can redirect to New Life so it can be a blessing to someone else?
Your trash is someone else’s treasure.
New Life is having a Yard Sale, rain or shine, on May 6. All of the proceeds will go to support the 20 team members heading to McDowell County this summer. So clean it out, bring it to the church April 30 - May 6 and watch God use it to bless people here locally and to bless the team going to make a difference in McDowell County.
May you be blessed by grace, peace and joy as you clean out!
Pastor Mike