Where have you seen God at work?…

Where have you seen God at work?…

It’s a question that was asked every evening while the team was serving in McDowell County.

It’s a question that was asked while several of our elementary school aged students served in mission with Helping Hands.

It’s a question that is regularly asked when people meet for Youth Group, Life Group and Kid’s Worship.

It’s a question worth asking.

It’s a question worth considering.

It’s a question worth answering.

There’s no question that God is at work (Psalm 121). The real question is whether we are attentive to God’s work. Are we slowing down and looking, listening and sensing what God is up to?

So, how would you answer the question? 

Where have you seen God at work?

In the past week I've had the privilege in seeing God at work

  • in a group of men celebrating a birthday
  • in people gathering around a family that lost someone way too early
  • in a person deciding to be more regularly involved in God’s work through his church
  • in the bright stars at night and the beautiful crepe myrtles by day
  • in so many other sights and sounds and stories...

Where have you seen God at work?

It’s worth asking. It’s worth considering. 

Don’t let today go by without answering.


Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Mike