A few years ago… scratch that… several years ago

Dear New Life Friends,

Free stuff… 

A few years ago… scratch that… several years ago… OK about 25 years ago (gosh that was hard to write)...

...I stepped into my new dorm room as a freshman at JMU - Go Dukes! And what did my wondering eyes behold but a shiny green box labeled “Good Stuff” and a whole bunch of goodies inside! There was a pen, deodorant, snacks and other things that were sure to make a smooth transition to a new “home”. And all of it was FREE!

Since then, I find myself intrigued when things are offered for free. There is both a skepticism as well as curiosity and yes, I admit… delight! Sure it cost someone something, but it is free to me! Unexpected blessing - even if it does break within three days, rub off within two hours or get left behind by unappreciative recipients.

There are few things in life that are really free, but God’s grace is one of those that comes without a catch. Grace = God’s good stuff that we don’t deserve and didn’t earn. God’s grace is like a good stuff box filled with love, acceptance, forgiveness, hope, peace, joy, purpose, courage and so much more… that lasts and lasts and lasts!

For thousands of years the followers of Jesus have been dispensers of God’s free grace because they’ve been recipients of God’s free grace. It’s just hard to keep a good thing to yourself when you really care about other people!

That experience of grace is what New Life Church hopes people will experience this weekend for the FREE concert and free ice cream to the first 100 people. What could be better than an outdoor concert on a Summer Saturday night than to finish it off with ice cream! And what better way to keep the weekend rolling in awesomeness than to have an outdoor worship service and FREE hamburgers and hot dogs following it.

So don’t hold this all to yourself - free stuff is best when shared. Invite a friend, neighbor or co-worker to make it an awesome weekend. The more the merrier!

I look forward to seeing you this weekend!

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Mike