1/26/24 Prayer

Lord Jesus, I thank you especially for all the wonderful, beautiful, loving Christian people you have placed in my life. The ones who have held me when I’ve been broken and not judged me when I‘ve gone astray but lovingly brought me back to the fold. The ones who have taught me and shown me what it means to be a Christian. 

Lord, I pray that you will make me more like you every day that I live and that I will accomplish all that you created me to do before I’m called home to be with you. Thank you for forgiving me for all my shortcomings and help me to be a testimony of your goodness and grace to everyone I meet. Please forgive me when I fall short of this. 

I pray for all the people in this world who don’t know you, Jesus, especially the ones in my own family. I pray that they and all the loved ones of my fellow Christians will come to know you, Lord. I know I’m not responsible for their decision but I feel like I should have done more in the past and be doing more in the present to reach them. Please guide me in this. 

There are many things on my heart today but these are at the top of my list. Thank you so much for listening to me, for loving me, and for choosing me as one of your own. I will be eternally grateful my precious Lord and savior!

In Jesus name, I pray,

Ginger Bailey