God of heaven and earth, our Creator and Sustainer, we come with worship and praise for you in our hearts. We declare your goodness and your faithfulness. We recognize that without you we are nothing.
Forgive us where we have failed you and where we have not loved our neighbor. Forgive us when we are not faithful to you and when we rely on our own strengths or put our hope in things of this world. We seek your forgiveness for the things we have done that are wrong as well as for the things we did not do that are right. Thank you, God, for your grace and mercy. Help us to offer that same grace and mercy for others who have wronged us.
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the blessings you have given to us and for the blessings you have planned for us. You are a good and wonderful God. You deserve all praise.
We know you are always with us, and we are grateful. May we feel your presence in our life. When the days are stressful and we are anxious; when the days ahead seem difficult and overwhelming; remind us that you are there beside us and we have your strength to carry our burdens. When the days are full of happiness and when we feel satisfied and content, may we remember that all good things come from you and may we praise you and give you the glory.
Lead us down the paths that bring us closer to you. May we choose your way and not our own.
Watch over us and protect us from danger.
We pray in the name of Jesus.
Mike Clements