1/27/25 Prayer

I, Lord, am Your hands and feet here on earth. When Jesus walked the earth, He healed, fed, soothed, befriended, and blessed. Help me do that. Help me want to do that—to set myself aside and put others first.

You, Lord, are my Savior. You set Yourself aside for me. You gave up Your throne room to walk the earth as a mere human, who needs and wants, who suffers and hungers, who longs for peace and wholeness. You did this out of love. Open my heart to be more like Yours.

I want to grow deeper in my relationship with You. Reveal to me what I should pray for, so that I can experience this. Give me a longing to be more like You. Remind me that the more time I spend with You, especially throughout my day, talking to You, including You—the more I know You, Your heart, Your ways, Your will. In those times, You’ll direct my steps. I’ll feel nudges and prompts from You, leading the way.

You’re also my Friend. I’m thankful for that. As any good friend, You don’t dictate, You stand with me and don’t leave me, even when I mess up. You’re there to help me through the mess, extending grace, soothing my pain and loving me. I want to do that for others. I want to be Your hands and feet. Holy Spirit, help me make that my reality.

I was made in Your image, and I want that to be more evident in my life.

In the Humble Yet Almighty Name of Jesus, I pray.
