My loving God, I praise You. You are amazing—so righteous and pure. You are Wisdom and Truth. You provide all that I need. But …
I seek my life to go “right,” problem free and as I envision it. Then “life” happens. Problems and challenges occur. Problems are usually resolvable but challenges, they must be endured.
Why? I sometimes ask. Then I remember Your Word … I don’t live in the Garden of Eden, rather in a broken world. You don’t cause these “bad” things, though You may allow them. A quick read of the opening chapters of the Book of Job reminds me.
You love me unconditionally. You love me more than my mind can understand and that’s part of why (I think). Sometimes You’re protecting me from myself. If I got everything I wanted and never had a problem or challenge, how caring would I be for others? Not so much. It would be much harder to emphasize, rather I may only sympathize or even worse, pity. Would I be a brat, never satiated and always wanting more? Probably.
I remember a painful truth that Your Word tells—“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening-it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.” It’s kind of like my kids, I love them so much that I can’t allow them to make bad choices. They are young and inexperienced; not seeing the bigger picture, not understanding that there will be disastrous consequences. I love my kids too much to allow that! You love me too. And even more.
But what about disease and tragedy that has no discernible good outcome? Well again, I live in a broken world. I remember the good You made of my past hurts. I remember how it worked out for the better—for me and/or for others. Sometimes I saw it soon, other times, later. Even others I’ll only see when I’m in heaven.
I surrender!
And as difficult it is to do—PLEASE, PLEASE Holy Spirit help me surrender—I trust You. I trust that You know what You’re doing. I trust that there is purpose and meaning and that none of my pain is in vain! I trust You!! Your Word is full of good promises and of wonders and miracles—good things. You do not change. The God of The Bible is the God of today! I’m going with that. I know that.
I am secure with You. You are my fortress. I am safe with You, You are my refuge. I am seen by You, never alone. I am soothed by You. You are with me, loving me and making things easier than they could be, widening the path.
You are my God and I am Your beloved child. One day I’ll be with You where there are no more tears. Hold me, help me focus on You rather than my problems, until I am there.
In the Ever Caring Name of Jesus I pray.